13 September 2013

The Silent Spy and an idea: By Breanna;)

Well, I don't know about you, but I am real excited about The Silent Spy(The new Nancy Drew game) that's coming out. I've always wanted to know what happened to Nancy's mom and I just think it's going to be cool to finally find out. If you've checked Her-interactive's website, you've more than likely seen that the characters have been revealed and the official trailer is going up on youtube on Monday. Monday is also the day that pre orders begin. I can't wait :)

Here is the teaser trailer for the game, I think it's pretty cool, they sure did a good job at making the game sound interesting.

What do you think really happened to kate, I have my own thoughts on this subject, but I'd still love to hear what you think. So tell me in the comments.

Also, I'm thinking about doing a music video for an upcoming blog post of myself singing a beautiful song that I wrote, singing is my talent, I'm not trying to brag, but I'm very good at it and writing songs. So if you think it would be a good idea that I make a music video than tell me that in the comments too and I will ;)


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Jake said...

I'm sick of this. You and William are the biggest dumbasses I've ever known if you think i'm ever letting go of breanna! Never and i'm not playing games I really love her and I'll get her no matter what!

GameOverTown said...

Jake, when are you leaving this earth to go down there? Tomorrow?

Breeze said...

hay jake you want to come to my house to have babys

Jake said...

Sorry! There's only one girl for me and that's breanna. I will crawl over broken glass to get to her she is my soulmate the love of my life and I will stop at nothing. do you hear me nothing to get her even if the measures are drastic.

William D said...

Oh come on Godot, he thinks these are insults? I've met mosquitoes that hurt me more -yawns- It's been fun, Jakey, but I really think you should think out your "story" a little bit more. RIch with tons of money? Is that because you never used your pension sitting on your fat 98 year old ___ ?? I would just like to know

GameOverTown said...

Well Jake perhaps we'll pull a prank on you. Seriously. I mean it. I have something in mind...

William D said...

Ok :D
Here are the measures
1: Crawl over broken glass and hot coals with nothing but swim trunks on.
2: Swim with tiny hungry sharks.
3: Eat five live scorpions.
4: Jump into a volcano and die.
Also I forgot. You being handsome? Of course, you use your pension money for plastic surgery :D

William D said...

Awww, don't tell me Jake scared you away T^T

Jake said...

No I have a job William. You and gameovertown know that Breanna would be happy with me but you just don't want her to be happy. Some friends!

William D said...

How could something like "you" Make someone like Her happy? Well, now that I think about it, you can make her happy : ) Happy to run away screaming :D

William D said...

D' aww, thanks xD

William D said...


Jake said...

Well I can and will be your husband for life baby, I've already planned every thing for a limo to pick you up bring you to this big church. You walking down the isle and me standing there staring into your beautiful face waiting to kiss you. Just imagine that.

William D said...

I think she did, and that's why she's afraid of you :D
Also, that isn't a Catholic marriage :D
So go die :D

Jake said...

I've added stuff to your vowels though. You have to promise that you'll do whatever I say you can't have any friends and you have to cook clean and stay by my side at all times and i'll kill any guy that just so much as looks at you!

Jake said...

I know William makes me sick to. It's ok he won't be around forever at least not after I'm done with him!

William D said...

Things he will be arrested for:
Other... things o-o
Where are you Godot :P xD

GameOverTown said...

I left.... but now I'm back (duh)
No, I actually left to kill Jake

William D said...

Yes when you're "done" with me, you'll have a lot of pain, and yes you won't have to worry about me, because when you're "done" with me, you'll be a bloody pulp =3

William D said...

Yay, read up on our conversation xD

Jake said...

Breanna loves me and you all know it!

Stargazer said...

Everyone but her.

William D said...

Pfffffft we all know that you're hopelessly in love for no apparent reason, and that she feels bad for you, and your twisting her pity into thoughts of love. Your "imagination" is a sick twisted image of your soul. And we all know what happens when your soul is that dark.

Jake said...


William D said...

Because she doesn't and we don't and no one does but you =3

GameOverTown said...


Jake said...

That's why she loves me you two are crazy!

William D said...

You have a gf! What's she like :D xD
If you don't want to tell that's fine.

Jake said...

You just said no one loves breanna but me wow William!

GameOverTown said...

Ummm... I don't know if I should say this.... No, she doesn't know about this blog, so OK.

She is pretty, but she gets mad whenever I record for YouTube because I can't talk to her. And she likes the same kind of music I like. Basically it. But why'd you ask?

William D said...

And this further shows your absolute stupidity. I said no one knows you love Bre but you. Idiot.

William D said...

No reason. xD I'm just curious about EVERYTHING xD
Sorreh if I was prying : (

GameOverTown said...

Not really. Just that no one knows for some reasons:
- Never had one before
- Catholic School
- Parents

William D said...

Oh. =3 I know how it is xD
I am a man of many secrets... Well actually teen xD

GameOverTown said...

Also she doesn't speak english very well. Because I live we go to a french catholic school.

William D said...

But I know what you mean with the whole "Catholic School have to make it secret" thing xD
I have a crush in my Catholic School =3 xDD

William D said...

Because you exist you go to a Catholic French school :D xD

GameOverTown said...

I know it's hard right? But they want to close down our school because not many people go there and send us to an english school :(

GameOverTown said...

You shouldn't have said that. Reason: trolls.

GameOverTown said...

That'd be funny. Unless we go to the same school *gasps* (doubt it)

GameOverTown said...

I have to leave for a half-hour I'll be bach (purposely said that)!!!

William D said...

H....e.....l.......l Nooooooooooo
o-o xD
My school is thinking of closing down because there aren't enough kids, and its an ENGLISH Catholic School :o

William D said...

Sorreh for swearing, but Nooo I don't like her xDD

William D said...

Dad: We're going to go running :D
Me: o-o but it's the weekend...
Dad: Pfffft ;-; so what?
Me: o-e bu- bu- bu- I'm waiting for Minecraft to come back.
Dad: So what we're going. In maybe half-an-hour-
Me: o-e T^T

GameOverTown said...

Mine has basically become a school room because there are only 26 kids there. And they want to change the school from FRENCH CATHOLIC to ENGLISH PUBLIC. Tell me if that makes any sense. When I get back, I mean. I shouldn't be too long.

William D said...


Jake said...


Jake and Breanna Forever!!!!!!!!!!!

William D said...

That seems to happen to me to T^T
Or something else equally as annoying or bad T^T : /

GameOverTown said...


...And I doubt anyone's here :(

Breeze said...

you idoits shold have kids with jake

William D said...


Willy D said...

but... i thought you didnt have a brain

Unknown said...

I didn't even read all of this. I was waaaay to busy.
And I think 'breeze' invented a new word. I wonder what idoits means?

William D said...

I meant my small am out of brain. At least it's more than yours =3
Also, Suzanne :D You go a new pic up!

Unknown said...

Yup, indeed! I got bored, so I changed it. But now I have to finish some last minute homework :/
Thank gods it's not that much

GameOverTown said...

Nice pic

GameOverTown said...

I'm thinking about changing mine, but I don't know what to change it to

Unknown said...

I don't know either. What do you like? Maybe you could use an image from your favourite game?

GameOverTown said...

I don't know if it would turn out...

Unknown said...

You could always just take a picture of yourself, old-fashioned :P

GameOverTown said...


Unknown said...

I don't know, you'll just have to pick something. You could always just stick to your old one, there's nothing wrong with that.

GameOverTown said...

..and I just realized you spelled favourite with a u! I thought only I and British people did that.

GameOverTown said...

Yeah, but I used MS Paint for it

Unknown said...

I spelled it that way because that's how I learned it in school.

Unknown said...

You can make another thing in paint, and upload that!

GameOverTown said...

Wow. This captcha is very inappropriate.

GameOverTown said...

Yeah, I guess.

Unknown said...

What did it say?

GameOverTown said...

___ money. Which is strange, since I normally get numbers...

Unknown said...

Weird. Funny, but weird. What's the first letter of the word?

GameOverTown said...


Unknown said...

Huh. Funny. Best captcha ever. You should've taken a screengrap of it :P

GameOverTown said...

I should've

Unknown said...

Well, it's too late now :(
I gotta go. I'll speak to you later. Byyyeeeyeye!

GameOverTown said...


William D said...

You 2 were buseh =3

GameOverTown said...

Was that a troll? Or was that William?

Breeze said...

yes suzan and gameove were doieng alot of nashtey things

William D said...

That was William =3
Also, woooow "breeze"

GameOverTown said...

You staying on, will?

GameOverTown said...

Guess not. Unless you're writing an 80 paragraph greeting.

GameOverTown said...

This comment has been removed by aliens.

Breeze said...

GameOverTown said...

Breeze are you speechless now? That's great!

Breeze said...

Breeze said...

yes gameova adimit it you were doieng nastey stuff with suzan

Anonymous said...

suzanne just changed her lame hat picture! praise the lord.

Breeze said...

wheir is gameover he usualley awlays on this bolg may be hes dead or doieng something bad

GameOverTown said...

...or maybe he's right here

William D said...

Watching you in your sleep (),...,()
xD That was supposed to be a Weeping Angel or a Vampire or some sort :P XD
Suzanne, I gave you my blogpost. OR my turn anyways. Are you going to make the post or should I?

Unknown said...

B-b-b-b-but I sent Breeze my post! She just didn't put it up yet. Breeze? Where are you?

GameOverTown said...

Wow. These past few days have been really slow on this blog.

William D said...

Oh, ok Suzanne xD
Bu- bu- bu- bu- I'm a Weeping Angel
xD I dunno why I said that.
And you, I like your new pic better than the old one =3 xD

GameOverTown said...

I'm going to temporarily change it

Breeze said...

amdit it gameovey you suzan and wilam were doieng nastey things in bed yetsterday and right now

GameOverTown said...


GameOverTown said...


Unknown said...

Thankw, Will :P
Ok, so you're a weeping angel. Interesting.... -_-'

GameOverTown said...

Soooooo.... when's your next blog post?

Unknown said...

I've sent Breeze my post via mail. I don't know why she didn't put iy up yet. Breeze? Where are you???

GameOverTown said...

Fake breeze

Unknown said...

NO, real Breeze. I have her e-mail.

GameOverTown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GameOverTown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GameOverTown said...

Hey Will, your new XD should be DX

GameOverTown said...

And Suzanne, I'm sorry for calling you on Google so many times in this past hour. I called 20 people because Google Hangouts wouldn`t let me do anything else to call the 5 people I wanted to call. For my full explanation go here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BiwjvEF5v8

Anonymous said...

Hmm Gameovertown sure is a little creepy, don't you all think? Isn't it convenient how quickly he responds to the "trolls" and how he always seems to be on?

If anything I would say you guys found your culprit aka Jake.

William D said...

Why should it?! xD
Also I don't think he's Jake
Also he's not always here :P

GameOverTown said...

And I'm also Josh and "Breeze" as well (jk)

William D said...

:P xD

GameOverTown said...

I'm in class

William D said...

Ok =3
I'm sick, so, yah... xD

Unknown said...

I'm at home, and I have a test German in 2 days and I need to learn 300 German words and their Dutch translation! H E L P M E

GameOverTown said...

And I need to know how to write with my left hand (punched a brick wall). I'm brilliant.

William D said...

I need to do all this catch- up work o-o DX

Unknown said...

Why o why did you punch a wall?

GameOverTown said...

I'm tired of this. Why are my comments getting deleted?

Unknown said...

Your comments are getting deleted?

GameOverTown said...


GameOverTown said...

...and if this comment doesn't get deleted, I accidentally punched it while trying to throw a ball

William D said...

I can still see all your comments!

GameOverTown said...

Not all of them

Breeze said...

i thott you were dead gameova

William D said...

Well, at least he's still more alive than your brain cells =3

Breeze said...

wilam i thout you were dead two i thout they ecesuted you for haveing babys with brenna gameovey and suzan illeagiley

Breeze said...

also gameover i thout you were dead be cause of the same reson

GameOverTown said...

Actually, the last execution in Canada was at 12:02 am on December 11, 1962. (Wikipedia is awesome!)
So you should shut your mouth. You lack the basic logic to know that when people are posting comments, they aren't dead, so you obviously lack the basic skills to operate a computer.

GameOverTown said...

Say, to the non-trolls, do you think it is bad to be subscribed to arglefumph, GeoJoe2000 and make Nancy Drew walkthroughs at the same time?

Unknown said...

I don't think it's wrong. Michael is awesome, and I bet GeoJoe is too (I don't know him)
You can watch walkthroughs even when you make them, in my opinion.

William D said...

I've seen a bit of Geo, but I don't think it's bad to do that. You should do what you love to do, if that's make Nancy Drew walkthroughs, and watch them make them, then do it :P xD

Breeze said...

yes it is bad it is bad to be subsibed to anybodey and youre walkthurghs suck and no one cares about you and i dont care what any one says

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