Well, I don't know about you, but I am real excited about The Silent Spy(The new Nancy Drew game) that's coming out. I've always wanted to know what happened to Nancy's mom and I just think it's going to be cool to finally find out. If you've checked Her-interactive's website, you've more than likely seen that the characters have been revealed and the official trailer is going up on youtube on Monday. Monday is also the day that pre orders begin. I can't wait :)
Here is the teaser trailer for the game, I think it's pretty cool, they sure did a good job at making the game sound interesting.
What do you think really happened to kate, I have my own thoughts on this subject, but I'd still love to hear what you think. So tell me in the comments.
Also, I'm thinking about doing a music video for an upcoming blog post of myself singing a beautiful song that I wrote, singing is my talent, I'm not trying to brag, but I'm very good at it and writing songs. So if you think it would be a good idea that I make a music video than tell me that in the comments too and I will ;)
1 – 200 of 333 Newer› Newest»Umm, I haven't ever really gave it any thought as to what may have happened to Nancy's mother, so I don't know I guess we'll just have to wait and see. As for you making a music video, I think that is a great idea, I'd love to hear what you sound like, I think it would be cool.
I can't wait for this game either and you say the official trailer is on Monday :D This is so awesome!!!
Also please make a music video that would be even more awesome!!!!!
I have been waiting 4 evr for you to make another blog post. I think that you should definitely do a music vid. That sounds too cool.
What is your favorite kind of music? Just curious.
I think it would be cool if you did a music vid! I'd love to hear you sing! Singing and poetry are around my talent. I'll theorize on the Nancy Drew game later, for now... Sleeeeeep XD
Also, o-o I need to do a blog post now XDD
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow DX
I got shampoo in me eyeeeees XDX
Beautiful comment XD
Ok, that's just creepy, I'm pretty good at singing too O.o
You guys will probably not hear from me anymore today, because my aunt turned 50 and I'm going to her birthday party :P
And Breeze, do the music video! I didn't know you wrote songs :P
Shampoo in your eyes? Great blogpost, Will.
Well, we all want to see you make a music video. I think it will be fun just to hear what your voice sounds like ;)
Uh Josh this isn't a dating website. Breanna doesn't know you and that just sounds uh I don't know (kind of creepy)! Nice compliment, but I don't think Breanna will go out with you, because you might not be who you say you are.
Josh, Breanna just turned down a proposal, so I don't think she's ready for a relationship yet. Breeze, do you know someone who's named Josh? If so, I think you should go have a talk with him :/
I don't think it's jake Josh seems to nice XD
Also that wasn't my blogpost :P but it hurt XD
Arglefumph just replied to my comment. I feel so special.
.... which proves that you know her in some way and that doesn't necessarily mean that your name is really Josh
Unless it IS Jake
You don't think that it's jake, you don't think you should trust him or both
Ok o-o
Things got strange fast. I'll consider doing a soap blog post eye thing :P all you want to do is laugh at my pain T^T xD just kidding.
Ok, Breeze, at least he isn't a complete __________ like Jake was. But he's still creepy as heck.
Eom non amoret
Eo dimiit
I don't understand
R u ok? Do u need a doctor?
It's latin. Shall I disclose what it means? It's nothing bad
Yes please
Yah, I'm fine xD
I just wanted to be fanceh =3
What does it mean
She doesn't love you. You should go.
(In reply to the thoughts comment) Shame on you.
It's awesome that we are all on at the same time
I like Latin. I just started classes its so much fun <3
I know right xD
Sorry, don't speak Latin. Only speak english and french.
I'd love to bring it, Varr. Tell me why she should even like you. (I wanna see if this is a brainy troll)
Oh how we are ALL waiting for will to get a blogger
Whyyyyyy T^T I'll tell you what it means T^T and I wanna speak german to :P (Varr means fool)
So we can ban name / url
>:P I'll talk to mom again : /
Don't get on trouble for it
But if we do that, Godot, then all the other people can't comment and the trolls will just become Anons. And sign like -
I'll treat her *properly. : /
Also I won't Godot XD
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk they should make a movie about this
Someone is trolling the SWB chat blog
It turns out to be some creepy guy
Will they catch him? Pr is it too late?
Theres no second chance button..
And we could ban anons
Dun dun dun dun!
The more proper way is...
It's awkward when it turns out you posted your comment after someone else's XD
Meh ;-;
XD fiiiiiiine
Josh, cam you say SO LONG LOSERS
Silly sausage (jake) I was correcting your pore choice in grammar :D
If you want me to tell "what I've got" I will : /
But you always lose, so YOU LOSE
Win what :3
He wants to take Breanna and.... I don't even want to think about it
Pffffft, I haven't even tried XD your obviously new to the trolling buisness.
So then... Don't! :3 I know I'm not, I'm just thinking of how sore his head will be when I'm done with him (arguments >:)
You see, logically, Jake isn't coming back. He's Josh now. And until you kick his _ again, he's not leaving
-hugs breanna- we'll live -pulls Godot int the hug to- XD
-turns it into a huddle-
..and he even was stupid enough to admit it. He's jake
-loop lip curls upwards disgusted- you disturb Satan himself -.-
Lip* XD
I didn't mean will. I mean jake, josh, fake breeze, anon whtaever
Wow I fail xD top lip*
I have to leave now. See you tom. Don't have a massive debate overnight. Thank you
I wanna have a debate T^T
Yeah so what are you going to do about it? Get sissified William to take care of me? Hahahaha that's funny!
Sure xD
Which one would you rather date Breanna?
Or one of the other guys from this blog like Derek or Justin and you HAVE TO pick one!
Where the heck did all of my comments go???
Into the void of stupidity, back to your home :D
You didn't answer my question. Which one would you date? You have to pick one there is no way around it. That wasn't a good one, that was totally lame.
If you pick one than I'll leave!
Ok see you tomorrow and this is not over this battle has just begun. If I can't have you no one will!hahahahaha*Laughs in a very evil way*!
Woooooow XD someone is a sore loser.
Also -blushes- thanks breeze.
-looks at josh and grins stupidly- meh =3 xD
I always miss everything! Josh stay away from Breeze. Just go away. I believe you're not Jake but please, you're still an idiot. Go away you worthless troll!
Also, I'm feeling really fancy now because I DO speak Latin, and a little bit of ancient Greek.
Seriously, Josh, stahp. Just stahp, You're stupid. I missed a lot again didn't I :/
That comment I posted was supposed to be placed a LONG time ago, but the wifi was being weird :(
I have that creepy song from shadow at the waters edge stuck in my head. I guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
I've been waiting all day for someone to come on. Thank you!
And, yes, "Breeze" apparently you have to, waiting for a chance to 'insult' us, How cute :3
Oh! My punctuation! -faints from the horror-
I could have been your guy and you could have been my four leaf clover. If I could do it over I'd send you the pillow that I cried on! :'(
I love you Breanna!
Don't make me hurt you Jake! Leave my lady alone or not only will I beat William, gameovertown, and any other guy on here senseless. I'll add you to the list!!!!!
OMFG. This blog is an endless source of entertainment. Jake, you're my favorite personality. The amount of anger you instill in these kids just by posting is hilarious. You win all the troll awards right now.
Good job "josh", threatening to beat Will and me isn't going to do anything but get Jake to post more c.omments. Wait, why did you make a list on "people who to beat up for no reason"?
WHY O WHY ARE WE LISTENING TO THE TROLLS?! Just ignore them, everybody? Don't you think they are laughing at us right now? I mean, seriously. STOP PAYING ATTENTION TO 'BREEZE', JAKE OR JOSH!!!
You know that, and I know that, so we shouldn't argue with them any more. Will, I know you need your daily discussion, but instead of trolls, discuss with me, because I need someone to discuss with too :/
Great! I wonder what the results will be :P
It doesn't matter if I were willing it doesn't matter that the lights are dimmed down low oh oh. I know you have to go! It doesn't matter, I fought my heart! It's broken shattered to a million and 1undone I guess I haven't one, cause I could have been your guy and you could have been my four leaf clover. If I could do it over i'd send you the pillow that I cry on. It doesn't matter I've just begun and if you see me just move on, cause we are free and never meant to be, cause I could have been your guy and you could have been my baby doll Breanna! If I could do this over i'd send you the pillow that I cry on :'( I love you, even though you don't care about me. Look up this song! It's called (I could have been your girl by she and him).
I agree with the Anon. This is hilarious.
Anon, I don't get mad. I just want to see how the trolls react in a serious conversation. (Like a fish out of water) It bemuses me to see their "Logic" Besides in fun to argue with them :3
I'm sorry, Breeze, but school builds up a lot of tension in me, and I need to let it. Trolls are good sources to let it out on. Also... reverse psychology o-o Dun dun dun!
Also, I welcome anyone here to come and try to beat me up. I pretty much feel no physical pain XD Ever. I once broke several bones and it really didn't hurt that much o-o
wilam you skip scool everey day be cause you are lazey and a jurk and only jake and josh are auesome and everey one else is stuipd and they all want to marrey brenna and have lots of kids
I love school <3
It's just one girl there o-o
She laughs like a goose. She leans her head back and goes
Me: O_o
I could see Breeze having lots and lots of christian babies.
Only if you promise to name your first born son Jesus. (Pronounced Hey-sus in espanol, in case you wondered)
yes brenna should have lots of babys be cause there are alot of boys on this palnet
And we would think you trolls should have lots of brains, with all the smart people out there. I guess we were wrong :3
where did you get your comeback Willy? the.. the toilet store?
Great comeback, Anon. You're joking, right?
Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm at school right now, computer classes, and the teacher is out. This is funny :D
And what's a palnet?
And making fun of Breanna's religion? Seriously? Trolls. UGH!
no bodie wants to have kids with suzan
HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU MISS ME????? (probably not!)
no bodie wants to have any kids with game ofer eihter how do we even knoe that gameofer is not a creaper
You want proof!?
Wow. I just realized how much I missed. Stay off this blog, trolls. As you can (can you?) see, this blog is run by NON-TROLLS. So if you're a troll, I would recommend, no, force you trolls to get off this blog and never come back.
Sincerely, Godot
i am saing that you are a stuipd wana bee you tuber and you just do random nancey drue walk throghs does any one argee with me be cause i can do much better here is my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SkyDoesMinecraft
Well, that was VERY insulting. And I very highly doubt that that link to that YouTube channel is yours.
Poor Sky, being imitated everywhere he goes T^T
Also Anon, I don't even see how that begins to insult me back... The toilet store?... Really?... Im disappointed.
I did miss you Godot XD
I thought Breeze's Stupidness Convention was more funny.
FUNNIER! -faints from the horror- XD
there are alott of boys wheir i live and they woud all be peffect for you
I always miss everything. All right, Will, it's your turn :D
For a blogpost, I mean. Guys I'm so happy my parents are going to buy me a 3ds for my birthday :D
I'm the luckiest girl on earth right now. Thank you mom. Thank you dad. Thank you life. Thank you.
No boy deserves her! So shut yo mouth breeze!!! :D
I'm sorry, but I'm confused. Stargazer, you're talking about Breanna, right? To which breeze are you talking? Breeze or fake breeze?
but no boys want suzane or wilam or gameofer thay all want branna and they want to have loads of kids so they can ship them all off for adpotion and they will keap haveing more kids until brenna dies
these trolls change the entire discussion in just a few comments
I would hope they wouldn't want me o-o
That just ain't right for meh xD
Im So SO SOOO sorry, Breeze DX
I've basically been sick, and I've been sleeping all day for like 4 days T^T Ok I'll try and get my post up soon, sorreh xD
Yeah, I would hope that all of the boys wouldn't be coming after me.
but suzan dose be cause she does not have a boilfriend
Maybe cause she doesn't want one? ESPECIALLY if it comes from where you are -shivers-
Plus she said earlier that "She isn't romantic" Do your homework
She's just jelly that Breeze steals all the hotties. Or maybe she likes girls XDDDDD
yes tanks for the avice i will go chech my self in to the menstal hosptial right now so i can be with YOU SUZANNE GAMEOVER AND WILL. YOU GUYS ALL BELONG IN A MENSTAL HOSPTIAL RIGHT NOW AND I DONT LISTEN TO MESTAL PEOPEL
Trolls are taking advantage of the fact I live in a different timezone
Trolls, seriously, I don't want a relationship. Besides, I'm glad no one wants a relationship with me, it would only make things awkward. Besides, I don't want a relationship with any stupid troll!
Also, what's a menstal hospital?
Huh? A dictionary?
O! I get it.
Hey Will, is it ok with you if I do the next blogpost? I have an idea you guys may be interested in.
no i dont want a dicitionairey you guys i didnt know you had in ter net in the menstal hopisitals and suzan dosent want a reltaionship be cause she alredy had kids with a boy she doent like
This reminds me when KSIolajidebt played Mental Hospital and it kept crashing.
lets play game its caled witch one of us had kids with suzan is it wilam gameover jake or josh ill give you a hint and it is that it wassent jake or josh and it was done by too pepole
-sigh- some people are LOWER than the scum of the earth?!? Impossible :o Well, I guess it is. Yes you can make the next post, Zuzia, please do. I'm still just sleeping all day, everyday. I hate being sick xD
yes wilam that is coret you and gameover had kids with suzan and you turend in to scum for that
Sssssssss BURN xD
It doesn't even make since, of course we're still kids, a-duh, we aren't adults! And obviously your a kiddy
Brains as well as beauty!!! Go Breanna;) You are awesome girl.
yes willam kids can have other kids with peopole like suzan esspessicaly if their are too boys in side suzan
Now you just aren't making sense : /
GOT, you like KSI too?! That's just crazy coincidence.
And Will, 'Breeze' never makes sense. Ever. I mean seriously, he/she/it has a lower IQ than our government here in Holland, and that's one accomplishment ;)
Obviously Holland sucks. Seeing as how Suzanne here thinks she is cool and looks nice in that ridiculous hat, I totally understand. Get a life!
... oh wait, you can't. You're in Holland. I know exactly what your future holds. Ta.
PS. William, choke and piss off. Your 14 year old sense of humor of "Sssssss Burn!" only tells me that you're an idiot. Learn some proper grammar and find something better to do with your time than 1. worshipping Arglefumph, 2. "fighting" with "trolls," and finally 3. being a bitch ass.
Wow. A new troll. You're soooooo original.
Holland doesn't suck. The goverment sucks, in my opinion, but I like it here.
Hey Anon, go do something usefull with your life. Trolling on this blog doesn't get you anything, so why are you doing it? To get attention? You obviously need to get a life.
And I know the hat is ridiculous, that's why I kept it ;)
yes suzan you live in holend wheir everey one hads lots lots lots of kids and i dont care what any one reellly says about this be cause no body cares about you idoits and i just think that you should all just die or sometheing like that
I am speechless now.
Just like all the rest, an imbecile.
1: I don't worship Michael. (Try using his proper name.)
2: I act immature to get reactions from 'people' like you.
3: Are you sure you weren't looking in a mirror when you said that?
4: That's not my sense of humor?
5: Stop trying to act like your smart, it makes you look even dumber.
6: If you want me to learn proper grammar, I would like it if you did first. You should've said fourteen, for one, in formal writing. Oh wait, I forgot, you're not formal. You're imbecilic.
Just like all the rest, an imbecile.
1: I don't worship Michael. (Try using his proper name.)
2: I act immature to get reactions from 'people' like you.
3: Are you sure you weren't looking in a mirror when you said that?
4: That's not my sense of humor?
5: Stop trying to act like your smart, it makes you look even dumber.
6: If you want me to learn proper grammar, I would like it if you did first. You should've said fourteen, for one, in formal writing. Oh wait, I forgot, you're not formal. You're imbecilic.
Huh, it loaded twice, how odd...
yes wilam you lodead it twice you idoit
-facepalm- Of Course!!! It makes perfect sense!!
Imm nt sturpud itt waas cauzedd byy thee innterrnet taaccig ttto logn ot olad
see i told you are idoits be cause you dont know who to spell proppery and you idoits shold just have kids and die
So it can speak in the English Language :D
How cute ;) it thinks it's smart.
you idoits should reely have kids it feals reely good and so does kilng youselfes
no brenna you shold try haveing babys its very fun and it kils time so try haveing kids with jake or josh or both
I pronounce it Bre-Ann-A
Why do I always keep on missing stuff?
1. I pronounce it Bre-Ann-A
2. Why do you keep responding to "Breeze"?
3. Thx Suzanne for the comment
4. "Breeze", what happens if they don't want to have kids right now, and what happens if it's illegal to do so now? I'm not going to respond to trolls anymore unless I absolutely have to. Everyone else should do the same.
No. 3 Suzanne I mean on my channel
Hi Godot =3
Remember how we met? xD
GameOverTown said...
Poor you, Now you'll have to find even more places to illegally dump your garbage.
August 11, 2013 at 10:55 AM
Suzanne Klare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
August 11, 2013 at 12:23 PM
Suzanne Klare said...
Oops deleted my comment, I said:
"I wonder if Maya would agree with you. Sorry that just had to be said."
August 11, 2013 at 12:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Ahhh! Your making me hungry!
August 11, 2013 at 12:43 PM
William D said...
DX Poor Michael. No more burgers? Though I don't blame you if the cheese was rancid. We don't have ANY of these places near us, so wow 11-12 bucks for a burger? x_x Wow that is a lot of money....
@GameOverTown: Try to stay on topic please.
August 11, 2013 at 1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Uh oh, looks like we can't make any jokes with buzzkill William D over here! This is why people think you're annoying.
August 11, 2013 at 2:04 PM
William D said...
I only know like 4 people who think that... Besides that was old joke :) (also I don't get it. What it would have to do with this)
August 11, 2013 at 2:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh, pardon me. I didn't know jokes from last week could be unearthed for lulz.
August 11, 2013 at 2:35 PM
William D said...
I'm sorry, but what does this joke have to do with burgers...
August 11, 2013 at 3:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Because Michael used up his food budget, which means he'll be eating in for the rest of the month. And eating in generates garbage that he will have to dispose of, rather than the restaurant.
August 11, 2013 at 3:14 PM
William D said...
Oh XD Ok Sorry again
August 11, 2013 at 3:27 PM
Katie Nelson said...
Seriously??? The cheese was rancid??? talk about bad food...
@GameOverTown: lol XD ROFL
August 11, 2013 at 3:31 PM
Kara said...
I'm assuming you ate those all in one day then. haha I kid, but if you actually did, whoa. major props and you might be concerned about your health. :P
But seriously, I feel for you about the budget. I kinda blew my budget and have been eating super cheap meals and avoiding all eating out. It's rather sad.
August 11, 2013 at 5:39 PM
Anonymous said...
William D - it's ok! I thought you were just trying to be a killjoy XP
August 11, 2013 at 5:48 PM
William D said...
No, sorry XD
August 11, 2013 at 6:07 PM
Anonymous said...
William D, who died and made you boss of the comments? Anyway, I do hope you'll grow out of this phase. You will get eaten alive in high school, good luck.
August 11, 2013 at 9:00 PM
Suzanne Klare said...
And... everyone's jumping on William. Again. GREAT.
August 12, 2013 at 2:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh those fancy smancy city burger places, ive seen fries for $ 5 its absolute redic
August 12, 2013 at 2:52 AM
William D said...
XD I've handled teenagers when I was 3 Puh- lease No one is going to mess with me in high school because I have a way with words... (Im much better in real life XD XD XD XD )
August 12, 2013 at 9:51 AM
Stephanie Braddock said...
Guys, this is childish. I'm sure William will do just fine in high school, but William, you are going to get picked on if you keep trying to tell people what they can and can't talk about in the comments. Everyone is rising to the bait here, just calm down about it.
August 13, 2013 at 12:54 PM
William D said...
Thank you, Stephanie, for being reasonable. I'm not trying to be boss of the comments, I just didn't get the joke : / I figured it was just someone trying to bait me (it worked XD ) I'm also not upst at all, it would seem they are the ones who are...
August 13, 2013 at 9:43 PM
GameOverTown said...
@william d
August 14, 2013 at 2:56 PM
William D said...
Hi? XD
August 15, 2013 at 9:50 PM
No offense, but I thought you were quite a jerk at first.
well brenna and jake can have a baby
gameover and wilam can too
and so can josh and suzan
A lot of people think I'm a jerk at first XP
It's always the first impression I give xD
But then I grow on people xD It takes a while, but yeah :P xD
k who's deleting all of my comments? It's getting annoying
Mehehehehe xD
I remember he first started insulting...
Suzzane, Stephanie, you, Brittany ( I think) and so I decided to jump in :P
I can't remember who all he was insulting XD
... but you probably heard of me before, you just don't remember.
Someone's deleting your comments :o Where?
???? Im confused now o-o
I put 3 comments and they disappeared after a few mins and it doesn't say i did it or that one of the blog admins did it so I'm confused.
I dunno o-o
Anyways xD Now we is buds xD
I find that happens a lot to me :P People hate me then I become their friend xD ...somehow xD
except for a handful of people
Hmmmm, I use a lot of "XD and xD" xD :P xD
What can I say, I'm a good natured person xD
Yes, to true xD
I dunno. Perhaps create a new one (*gasps*)?
Also, I think dad did something to my Minecraft account o-e
I feel so sorry for you
I don't know what's happening O-e Minecraft isn't working, I don't know what Godot is talking about o-e
-brain short circuits-
Forget what I said before because more comments come while I'm writing one and I get all messed up.
Minecraft is either
a) something awesome that is brilliantly made with blocks to make an enhanced game experience
b) a terrible game that is made by a bunch of people who didn't feel like putting good graphics so they just put thousands of blocks instead for a horrible game experience
Look Minecraft up... sorry for being rude... just trying to fix it is making me go nuts... What did my dad DOOOO
Its A. AAAAAA o-e
...depending on who you are. I don't know about you, but I would rather play GTH that Minecraft, but Ghost Dogs more then Thornton Hall
jk But I don't know
o-e Sorry, when Minecraft is lost I lose it o-e
Ok -starts taking deep breaths- Ok...
Beanie? (Sorry for the weird choices xD)
Um... that's all I've got :P xD T^T I need Minecraft xD T^T
Breanna would never go out with William he is a loser that is just a wimpy little kid.
Breanna deserves someone awesome like me!
I'd treat her like she is a princess and love her forever.
William would just play nancy drew game and totally treat her like she was nothing, cause he's a LOSER!!!!!
I'd be playing GTH, but my sister has it o-e and I can't call her, and I'm unable to install more games onto Mom's username, because she doesn't want me to and I can't on mine because Dad hasn't made it yet o-e
Today, is the wrong day to ____ mess with me Jake o-e
You know it's true You just don't want to admit it.
Firstly, I'm about 5'8 secondly, I don't care what you say, thirdly, I would let her play the games to :P
fourthly, I don't have Minecraft so don't mess with me bro.
Ok, Bre, that's what it will be xD
WHAT are you going to do William? She just talks to you because she feels sorry for you and she rejects me because she's just playing hard to get. But don't worry i'll get her ;))
and I'm 5"10 just tell us where you live and we'll be over there with your pizza in no time!
Jake! I mean Jake!
"William would just play nancy drew game"
Who wouldn't?
Gameover and William! Breanna my angel why do you spend time talking to these retards. I am so awesome you would love me if you could just meet me. I don't play video games i'm good looking and I have a house a car and tons of money. Now all I need is you and my life will be complete!
You don`t play video games and you have a house and car because you stole them and you don`t have the time because you are forcing all of the girls in the world to kiss you
Breanna is my girl my friend my life! Don't mess with ________ me or you'll end up with more than a black eye. Punks!
yes come track me down Jake from the Juvenile Hall which you`re now in
It also seems that you pre-wrote that
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