I had to help out one of my friends, with an article that she wrote about strange phobias, yesterday. She wanted me to help her out by, looking up several different phobias and their meanings, in some books and on the internet. The phobias that I found are quite interesting, and I thought that I would share them with you. Here are ten of them that I came up with:
1. Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
2. Ephebiphobia - fear of teenagers
3. Linonophobia - fear of string
4. Optophobia - fear of opening one's eyes
5. Phronemophobia - fear of thinking (This one made me laugh)
6. Somniphobia - fear of sleep
7. Syngenesophobia - fear of relatives
8. Thaasophobia - fear of sitting
9.Verbophobia - fear of words
10. Xanthophobia - fear of the color yellow or the word yellow
What do you think of these phobias? Are they funny, strange, etc.
Huh... some of them are funny, but my friend had the um... Ephebiphobia.?When we were younger and stuff. I never really was afraid of many things,but he got me paranoid XD Soon I was afraid of Teens. But I got over it pretty quickly. Though let me tell you when teens teased me and made fun of me when I was young.... Well lets just say I was as verbally... gifted as I am today XD They never bothered me again :/ at any rate, how does the person with... Phronemophobea? even live? IT must be terrible being not able to think without screaming in terror. Every action for him/her has a reaction and that reaction is fear. Our whole life is nothing but thinking. School, Jobs, even breathing! I agree with you, it is funny, but not when you think about who has it :( Im not trying to be rude or insult you, ok?
Anyway, would you like me to write my ''post'' now? I think its going to be along the lines of how a lot of younger kids, and even teens who don't like swearing, find it hard to watch walkthroughs and other fun stuff. This will be a good way for us to send people to Michael, once we've gained publicity! (that wasn't the post, sorry that this comment is so long XD)
Oh if you want a HUGE HUGE HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! list of phobias, visit phobialist.com. It should be the very first item. It has a whole alphabet of phobias!
Ill tell you a few, (not the actual phobia cant remember how to spell them XD) There is a fear of chickens, a fear of cats, a fear of opinions, a fear of garlic (VAMPIRES XD) These are kind of sad, Fear of walking, fear of wind fear of society, fear of flowers. Here are some... interesting ones Fear of Men, fear of being single, fear of being touched (no doctors for him. I may have that one.... XD) Fear of becoming mad. this sight is very interesting. Well for the ones who are afraid of getting mad (Bruce Banner? AKA the hulk) better not go onto Michaels blog during a religious talk, those can make you a little bit... disturbed. Sorry again about the long comment XD
I'm SO SORRY! I had to clean my room today, and I totally forgot about the blog! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry! Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid... :'(
XD glad I make you laugh. I make me laugh XD ''Made me think of Jake'' XD XD XD XD Okay Ill right my post now. (Also I have a fear of heights and of the dark XD getting over the dark one. Not the height one)
Here is my ''post''
I've always loved the internet since I was young, and I loved watching walkthroughs for games I knew I could never play or needed help with. I only had one problem. I didn't like hearing people swear, and mom didn't like it either. She said I could only watch youtube videos if the you-tuber didn't swear. Well, I was presented with a problem XD Every day, I searched for someone who did good walkthroughs without swearing. I usually didn't like silent videos because I like to hear what the player thinks of the game! I was having no luck, until I looked up a Nancy Drew walkthrough for ''Legend of the Crystal Skull'' I saw a video as the first suggestion. The you-tuber was Arglefumph I realized that he was a someone I hadn't tried before. I tried his video and bam! I loved it! He has a great sense of humor, he doesn't swear, and puts out videos at a pretty good rate! I know that there are a lot of people who don't like swearing (myself included) so I highly suggest that you look him up. He even has his own blog, filled with very interesting tid-bits. He posts every day! His videos are great for when your bored or just plain depressed!
And... Scene! Make changes if you want, (grammar and the likes XD I know Im no good at it) Anyway... well, good luck with your... job? Or wherever you are.
Your not stupid, Suzanne! Everyone forgets! Especially me XD I bet if you look up ''Stupid'' on the internet it'll define it with one name William D XD
O please... when you get to know me... you'll know I can be pretty naïve and stupid, believe me :P
I'm watching the new professor Layton walkthroughs now, and you guys?
I'm really sorry, Breanna. You have every right to be mad at me. Tomorrow's Williams turn, so after that, is it your, or my turn then? I already know what I'll be posting about :P
Breanna is off to someplace unknown. There is no Internet there so if she doesn't respond, that's why. Just letting you know. And I'm disappointed Michael is doing proffesor Layton. I hoped he would continue doing Zelda or Phoenix Wright. :( oh well.
Also, just read her comment on the previous post. It shows she's not mad at you!
Ok, thanks William.
I don't mind the change of games, really. I kinda like prof Layton :P
Tomorrow's the start of the nancy drew marathon! Excited?
Heck yah! Im dragging mom out early so we can get popcorn and coke XD Also, now that Im watching this Layton series, I like it. I didn't like the other ones. But I LIKE this one!!! Now Im sad he didn't upload more XD
I can use my Dad's account for the Ustream. So If you see harrydooley5 thats me. Ok?
Breanna, Suzanne, want to want tonight? Or would you prefer tomorrow? Or... whenever. XD
Mom keeps asking me why I want to go out at like 9 and get popcorn and coke. Before I can tell her why she remembers. XD (for the ND marathon) I like the scary games. But I never read ghost stories... Maybe I should XD
Well just putting it out there, I. Had a nightmare last nigh. My dog.... my dog... died :,',( and it was my fault. Here's what happened to make that occur in my dream. We let my dog out, and like all dogs she was howling her little head off. I went to call her in, but there were so many Mosquitos (they LOVE eating me >:/ ) at any rate, I opened the door a crack called her, and shut the door. While she was coming I grabbed the bug spray, and when she got to the door I opened and sprayed it in the air. She got in and no bugs :D but the. I thought what if she inhaled some... what if it poisons her and makes her sick. It took a while to et to sleep, and when I did...
I woke up, got of bed, and went to the kitchen to find mom making a milk shake. My dog was lying in the living room sort of coughing. After breakfast, I went in there cause she hadn't touched her food. She was still lying down, not breathing. Dead. For some reason we buried her in a cemetery, and we bought a new dog. The rest of my dream was WACKY!! I can't remember much but I remember flying, evil people, my other dog being murdered, my parents going insane and having to drive around with a creep in a hearse XD WHAT DOES IT MEAN DOCTOR!?!?!?!?! XD (this isn't going to be a future post. K?) also I spent the majority of my dream crying like a baby :P lol
Hmmm... Autocorrect is a pill sometimes -_-
Hello? You guys haven't been talkative with me lately :( sorry, I'm being selfish you guys have lives to live to.
Optophobia must be especially awful.
I know right, stuff like that happens to me. When I was young, I had dreams that monsters would chase me, and then eventually one would catch. It would be just about to rip me in half, or tear my head off. The pain was all to real in my dream. But then I would wake up screaming. Or like you, I would be free falling and right when I was about to go x_x I would wake up. I'm shuddering with excitement about tomorrow :D
And, a baby?!?!? Huh.
Verbophobia... Never will visit this blog, or the Internet, or the computer, or a book... Geez.
Sorry but I'm really tired. I want to get nice and rested for tomorrow. Sorry :,(
Anyways I'd love to converse. Oh well. Do you have a ustream account? If so we can chat there tomorrow.
Me to, thanks!
Goodie, then we can chat :D
See ya for real this time!
I think some of them are funny and some of them are strange, so i'm a little bit on both of those sides.
GUH I'm to excited to sleep.if your there, where you wearing headphones when you first saw his message in a haunted mansion walkthrough? I was I the volume a bit high for some reason... Until he opened that letter
Me:"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH MY EARS!!!!!!!!!!" I quickly stopped using headphones... And quickly waited till the pain and ringing stopped! What was your reaction to that? It would be AWSOME if he did it again. I'm going to be wearing headphones by the way. Wish me luck >_<
Also I realized I had a play-away of "all the lovely bad ones" I highly suggest getting it from your library. It is well written. I'll check the authors name in a moment. Also, hey, Makayla, glad you could join us here!
Done by... Mary Downing Hahn. It is a m a z I n g. Trust me. I hope your not to busy tomorrow D:
To all the new people on here, don't be afraid to go off topic and just chat! That is why this blog was made! SWB stands for William D, Suzanne Klare, and Breanna(: just have fun! Breanna(: made this blog because WE wanted to just chat! Let loose, have fun!
Whoops put our names in the wrong order. I need to stop putting myself first
Suzanne Klare, William D, Breanna(; *
Hi, it's nice to meet you.
Wow... I missed a lot. We actually have someone who reads this besides us! Great!
Besides, I didn't know there are so much different phobias... I had no idea!
The Marathon starts at 2:00 P.M my time. I just can't wait until then. I need a fast forward button, or an airplane ticket. Lol
I'm scared of phobias!:p
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