25 July 2013

Good or Bad: How we affect one another: Written by Victoria

The Bible says in Proverbs, Chapter 25, Verse 11. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. That means that we can either encourage and help the person that hears our words or discourage and destroy the person that the words are spoken to.

I'm going to give an example on how a persons words can really affect someone: I had a friend that had a Facebook and she was talking to this boy that she liked and was friends with on it. She had personally known this boy for years and they normally never fought, ( at least not around me). One day she decided, that she would relate to him how she had felt about him, by telling him that she liked him. He responded in the wrong way by saying, I don't like you and never will like you, so you should just go commit suicide. (There is more to what he said, but I'm not going to add any details).  After reading this, her heart broken, she did just that, she ended her life. Now lets look at it like this. What if that boy could have handled the situation in the right way and said, I don't have the same feelings towards you as you do me, I'd rather us just be friends. She might still be alive today. After finding out about her death, he was sorry, but it was to late.

What I am trying to say is, words are powerful. What we say to others can affect them either in a positive way or a negative way.

Now, you can do what ever you want with this, your words can either bring happiness or sadness, respect or disrespect, or in some cases like the one above life or death. Just remember all of the times that we have put a smile on someone's face and let us also recall the times when we have seen others walk away in tears, because of our choice of words. So let us let every word that comes out of our mouth be used with caution and kindness and at the very least our conscience will be clear.


Teressa said...

That is really sad. I'm sorry that happened Breanna(;. You're right, you can help someone, maybe make their day if you say something nice.

Matix said...

This really is a helpful post. Thank you for writing it. Sorry about your friend:(

Todd said...

I love your blog and your posts! I'm going to start following it:P

Suzanne Klare said...

I'm so sorry for your loss :(
That guy just said she should just commit suicide? That's horrible.

Willy D said...

Wow... I can't believe how inconsiderate some people can be sometimes. He could've said anything- I could only love you as a sister. I appreciate your feelings, but I don't have the same for you. Could we just be friends-
I am so sorry about your friend. I hope she somehow made an act of contrition before she died :'(. Oh gee. I feel horrible now...

Cupcake said...

I know what you mean. One time, someone told me, that I look really good in orange. Since then, I smile whenever I wear orange, and I like to wear it as much as possible. I'm sorry about your friend :(

Willy D said...

Does anyone want to start a conversation?

William D said...

It''ll help make us all feel better : |

Willy D said...

Anyone there? :(

William D said...

Um, breeze, I won't be able to make my post, or come on tomorrow. Sorry :( :'(

shannon15 fox racing girl.. said...

hey everyone! this is breanna's sister, shannon. Breanna wanted me to tell u that she is back in the hospital, but not to worry, but just to pray,she has to have a lot of test's ran and shes kind of scared! she told me to tell william and suzanne that she is sorry and she'll get their posts up as soon as she can. thank u.

Samantha Bartley said...

We were just talking about this topic at Bible Study last Wednesday. How the tongue is very small, but it can do plenty of damage, and how we need to use it to build people up. That's a very sad story. I hope that this boy learns from now on how powerful words really are.