22 July 2013


Just recently, my friend and I had a discussion on dreams/nightmares that we've been having lately. I told him about this crazy dream that I've been having off and on here for a while. What happens is, I'm standing inside of this huge place (it looks something like a mansion). The only light that I have is what's shining through the windows, so it makes it kind of dark, because (there are no lights on in this place). It's not dark enough that I can't see what's in front of me, but it's pretty dark (it's kind of eerie). Anyway, there is this long flight of stairs leading up to a balcony. I start to climb up the extremely long staircase and when I reach the top, I walk over to the balcony and climb on top of it, stretch my arms out and free fall. (sometimes I can actually feel the wind hitting my face). The really weird thing about this dream is, I never hit the bottom, I always seem to wake up before that can even happen. I've asked several different people what they think about it and I always seem to get answers like (you might be getting ready to die) or (maybe your dream is trying to tell you something). I find these answers to be quite unnerving, "at least in my case". So my question for you today is, what do you think? Do dreams/nightmares really tell something that's going to happen or are they just dreams? I'd really like to know what your thoughts on this are, so please tell me!


William D said...

Oh dear... I think I'll make my post on Logic. Also again to Jake:
''The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge:but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.'' Proverbs 15:14 I think we all know who the fool is, Breanna. That is why I'll do my post on logic. Maybe that will help poor Jake.

William D said...

I'll have to think for a while. Ok?

William D said...

Oh yah. Dreams don't have an effect on life for me (That I've noticed) but repeating nightmares can be caused by something that made a strong impression upon me. For instance. When I was young, about 3 or 4, my sister had a pirate flag in her room. (I cant remember why.) But at any rate, I was mortally afraid of skeletons (probably because they represent death) but I wanted to get over that fear, so I went into her room and just stared at the flag for about a minute. I thought I had done it, but everything seemed darker than before. So, of course, what would any 3-4 year-old do, but run to mommy! That night for a bout a year afterward I would have a dream we were on a cruise ship. Just mom and me. There was always a huge pirate flag in our room. Every night the flag came to life (and every dream) the skull would eat my mom. I would be terrified and run to the captains quarters then hide under his bed and I would wake up right before the skull found me. Occasionally I would save mom and we would be running when I wake up. Ok at any rate. Breanna, you told me you have a fear of heights. That would branch to falling from great heights, looking down great heights, etc. You said earlier that you had a job cleaning houses. Did you ever clean a really big one? One with a 3/2 story? If so, I'm sure one or two had terraces that you had to go out on. If it was high up that would have made an impression on you! So that is why your dream has you in a large spooky house with a terrace and free fall! Your imagination adds the details! (sorry about this being so long and not even having my post XD)

BumbleBee said...

Hi guys, I know a bit about dreams and love to interpret what certain dreams mean for people.

Breanna, the fact that you wake up right before you hit the bottom is because your body has never experienced what it is like to die. Everyone generally wakes up before impending death in their dreams. Your subconscious is telling you that to fall from such a height indicates injury or death, but since it also does not know how it feels to die, it can't create that feeling for you.

Dreams and nightmares are rarely clear and accurate premonitions of the future. If anything most dreams convey past experiences, present circumstances, or hopes and desires for the future. Usually they are abstract representations of what you're going through in life at the time. Your mind uses memories, thoughts, feelings, ideas, to basically create a visual for you in your sleep. It's a coping mechanism of the brain to help you understand yourself better.

In your explanation of the free fall dream, it sounds like you're trying to let go of something. Move on, or enter a new stage of life. You haven't entirely accepted it yet, thus you keep falling. Your fear of whatever it may be is conveyed by the "death." You're not ready for it just yet. If your dream ever suddenly changes where instead of falling to the ground, you begin to fly or float instead- that means you're growing and have peacefully entered and accepted the change. As for what the "change" is, it could be something basic, metaphorical, or just a new experience. It's usually something you think about/worry about a lot (thus it's a recurring dream), or something you're expecting to happen.

William D said...

Maybe we should be in Professor Layton games.... XD

Willy D said...

We make more sense than he does! I think...... XD

William D said...

Like my new name, breanna? XD Suzanne made it.

William D said...

And don't call me me Bill or Billy because I feel about those nick names like you do about your other one! I'll call you Breeze probably. Lol. Oh yah, call Suzanne zuzia. Ok?

Suzanne Klare said...

Hey peeps! Sorry I'm commetning just now, but it's been a LONG day. I'll tell about it in my next blogpost :P
I'm glad you like your new name, Willy ;P

William D said...

Ok, I'm ready to put my post:
My dad got me a very interesting book on Sunday. It's called ''The Fallacy Detective''. A fallacy is a mistake, an error in logic! For example:
Dad: ''People don't use their heads anymore...''
Son: ''I use it all the time when I play soccer!'' Now here, they are obviously talking about two different uses. The son has just used a fallacy! This book shows you how to use your deduction skills at a higher level, spot mistakes in logic (like Phoenix Wright), and think things through! So far it is quite interesting and engaging. Logic is the art of thought process and how to conduct those processes! I've read the first chapter so far, and I really like it :) Want to test your reasoning skills? I'll give you a small test.
Here are your options. A: This person does not wish to exercise their mind or they are afraid of the mental work. B:This person has a very inquisitive mind. C: None of the above.
1: Surfer: Hey,man. These waves are, like, so cool I just can,like, spend my life here, man. Like, this is, like, life,man.
2: Small child: I can't pick up my toys... I don't remember where they go.
3: Tom: Don't make me go into town to pick up groceries! There's a foot of snow fall since last night, and it will be a pain to shovel out the driveway again!
4: Merle I like reading two different news papers which report the same event.That way I see the issue from two perspectives.
5: Nate:I hate going to the library, I always end up reading a ton and waisting time! But let's go anyways!
6:Benny: If I don't finish reading this book tonight, I'll have to pay the library a fine!
Though about it? Well here are your answers!
1: A There's more to life!
2: A: Kids can forget things when they want to...
3: C: He's being lazy physically.
4: B: He wants to gain more knowledge on the situation!
5: B: He may not want to admit it, but he loves learning.
6: C:Who wants to pay money? Am I right?
This is just a small taste of this amazing book. As I go on reading it, I'll make more posts on it! Until next time!
OK DONE :D!!! I do hope you can just Copy/paste, right? If not... good luck! I hope it's ok!

Suzanne Klare said...

I just vomited. I'm on vacation in Montenegro, I'm feeling sick, I think it's because the restaurant where we ate wasn't very good. Or the temperature difference between Holland and Montenegro. I'll tell more details later, in my blogpost. Anyway, how are you doing, Breeze? any better?

Suzanne Klare said...

I don't think I'll reply again today, I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep. Bye! Wish me luck...

Willy D said...

Good Luck ;)

Willy D said...

Also, Breeze, I really hope you got to work on your picture with Sonny! It is due tommorow I think :O

William D said...

XD XD XD XD XD XD as a joke I told the I pad app called Siri (voice activated app) "I love you" just to see what she would say. Get this XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD she said XD XD XD "all you need is love... and your I-pad." XD so funny XD and so true XD jk. Lol

Anonymous said...

Sorry I always post so late. William, I think that's a really interesting book. I'd love to see more blog posts on that!


P.S I'll try to comment earlier.

Illiam d said...

Alrighty, cupcake. I'll focus on that book for the rest of my posts!