26 March 2014

Sonny Joon

Her interactive have released the box cover art for the shattered medallion.

Here it is

It's pretty cool, right?

The thing I love the most about this game is that it has Sonny Joon in it, for those of you who don't know who that is...well..actually, I don't know even know who he is =D

I guess I'd best describe him as an intriguing, mysterious and also a little mischievous individual.

We've never got to see his character in the games, we just know him by his unique and rather odd art, that he seems to leave all over the place, mostly at the places he's worked, which usually is always before Nancy gets to take a case at those places, that's why we never see him.

Now finally though, here he is on the cover of game 30 in the Nancy Drew series.

I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to it.