12 December 2013

Which one? By: Victoria

Okay, the topic that I think is best and that anyone can relate to from the suggested subjects listed in the comments, from my last post is, love. (That's sort of hard to say all at once)

So that's the subject my blog members and I are going to write a post on, it may take us a few days, we'll still continue to make posts on a daily basis, but at our own preferred times, because we all go by different time zones! So that's the news for today, if you have any questions or comments fill free to leave them and let us know what you think!!

Thank you!


haley said...

Thanks for posting

Breeze said...

ok im sory i will leave now

Josh said...

I'm sorry as well!! You said I didn't owe you an I'm sorry, but I am.

Breeze said...

i am goieng to leave this blog be cause you obivosely dont want me hear aslo many of the coments werent me some one was taking adventege of me and made it look like it was me insulteng you but i still did stuff i wasent supposed to a few times but i thout it was just one of you impresinating me and i still think you do so i dont want to be tretead this way anymore so im sorry if its not you but i also that also is also my conefsion but their is some more if you want hear to it i am a girl from finlend and i have years 16 and i have trede to commet sucide before but my freinds stoped me me i found you a few monthes ago and i said hi and every body got mad for some resson and strated imeprosanting me and i caled my self breeze and poeple impresinated me i dont but know why they would be so mean and other popel strated cirticing me and it wasent me so i thought it was one of you so i came and so i insulted you too be cause it made me angry and sad and i dident know what to do so i am the one who should be sorry and i should leave this blog be cause you guys hate and dont you want me here and i hate the poeple who imresonatec me so i am sorry and i will leave forever now so good bye

William D said...

o -o That was nice of you, Breeze o- o
Anyways, okay, here's the thing, I may not be on for a LONG LONG LOOOOOOOOONG time... T~T So yah...
Ill try and get on as often as possible, but I may not be able to... so yah... o -o Sorry ^^"
Also, Breeze, I wasn't imitating you, and if someone was impersonating you, then Im sorry we misunderstood you... rem... your impersonator? Y- Well whatevs xD You can stay, we don't mind =3

Anonymous said...

Why William?

GameOverTown said...

Please help my good friend Anton fight his depression: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdVWHNANAPQ

William D said...

Okay Im able to come back... o -o xD

GameOverTown said...

I'm going for the second part of my operation tomorrow. Wish me luck!

William D said...

What happened :o

Breanna said...

If you want i could tell you in a skype message will, because I don't like how any one can just read everything i say on here, and it's not something i can tell everybody. I love talkin' on here though <3

Do you ever have ND marathons, where you start at game 1 and play all the way through to the latest game, my sisters and i have been doing that, we're at treasure in the royal tower right now, it's a lot of fun!! :)

Anonymous said...


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Breanna said...

William in case your wandering Victoria is me I had to choose a different blogger name for reasons i can't say on here, but yeah. If you click on my other profile that says my name it will automatically change into Victoria.

William D said...

Okai, also, I love the Pic ^^ xD
Did chu draw dat? :o

Breanna said...

No, I didn't, but I love her!! :) Thanks :)

GameOverTown said...

Can you skype, breeze?

Breanna said...

I'm usually only available to Skype people on Fridays, so if you want to I can Friday.