Today I'm talking about the fallacy of Avoiding the Question, or The Red Herring.
(The following argument could apply to either boys or girls, but Im just doing it from the book. So
don't be offended)
Jenny: Girls are WAY smarter than boys.
Bert: Oh yah. How do you know that?
Jenny: Because they just are!
Bert: But how do you know that?
Jenny: Well there are lots of girls who are pretty smart, my neighbor Mrs. Jones is pretty smart. Joan of Arc saved the French from the English. And Marie Curie invented the light bulb!
Bert: But how do you know they are smarter than boys!?
Jenny: Because there are many girls who have high IQ's. That makes them smart!
Bert: You still haven't answered my question! Why are girls smarter than boys?
Jenny: Because I'm smart and your dumb. That proves it!
Ok, guys, I see to flaws in her logic. Firstly Marie Curie did NOT invent the light bulb, Thomas Edison did. Also, she didn't answer his question, because she had no proof, she was trying to give answers that proved it, but she never talked about what men have done! Now this situation can be reversed. All she has proven is that some people are smarter than other people, Boys and Girls, Men and Women, there is no actual group that's smarter than the other! Many people never answer questions directly, and the other people in turn, don't think to ask about it, or realize that they hadn't had their question answered. Now for some of you wondering "What is a Red Herring?!" A Red Herring is something completely irrelevant to the subject at hand, such as the following argument:
Jenny: Boys should always open the door for girls.
Bert: Why should we?
Jenny: Because it's helpful to us, and it's the gentlemanly thing to do.
Bert: Why shouldn't girls open doors for boys, it would be as equally helpful.
Jenny: Because it isn't right! When I came out of the store, I had to put ALL my bags down to open the door! You were to rude to come in and help me!
Bert: But you said you didn't help and that you wouldn't get so many groceries!
Jenny: Well you were inconsiderate to not have come in anyway.
As you can see they are now completely and woefully off topic.
Here is an example of something that ISN'T a Red Herring:
Son: Father, what is the square root of 234.09667?
Father: I don't know. Why don't you use a calculator?
The Father here really doesn't know the answer. Ok guys, are you ready for you test? I hope so XD If it's a Red Herring, tell me in the comment section, I'm putting a twist on things, you need to tell me the answer, I'm not telling you anymore >:D
Son: Why can't I see Day of the Spatulas with my friends?
Dad: It's too scary, and you're too young to see such a scary movie!
Son: Dad why can't I see Day of the Spatulas with my friends?
Dad: Because January 1st is on a Wednesday.
Son: Can I see Day of the Spatulas with my friends?
Dad: I'm not sure, ask Mom!
Son: Can I see Day of the Spatulas with my friends?
Dad: No
Son: Can I see Day of the Spatulas with my friends?
Dad: Is it about Pancakes?
Ok guys sorry about the enormousness of this post but what must be done, must be done! Until next time!
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Tomorrow my writing classes start again at school and I can hardly wait!!! I love writing. I really do. But teachers just give me so much homework that I almost never have the time to write. I hate my teachers a LOT sometimes
I had a dream that Michael left YouTube (*sob*) and he was holding a contest that would let someone else do the video walkthroughs.
And I want to be Chandler's lawyer. Sorry about my crazy obsession about louis chandler.
william d will be the next pheonix wright definitiely he awlays dreamed of being a fake lawyer
Silly little piglet! It was a metaphore, and everyone knows that metaphors are just comparisons! Notice the word like? That shows the existence of a metaphor! (For example : Its like finding a needle in a haystack.)
Little children interperate them to be actual things. (Phoenix Wright isn't a real person, so a little ignorant child would think I meant a fake lawyer) So you, good infant, have proved to us you are nothing more than a child trying to be smart.
Come on, trolls! IM BORED (-)~(-)
-dances- your here XD YAY wanna do the would you rather game? :D
Also, fun fact "breeze who isn't the real one" I actually wanted to be a doctor, then a teacher, then a lawyer, and now a Channon lawyer! Small William History lesson 1 complete XD
(-)~(-) looks like boobs
Do you have man boobs Willy?
becase we all need to know about willliam's history
Why does EVERYONE (not trolls) always leave comments AFTER I'm gone?
Woooooooow jake XD I see you've matured some (in the wrong direction, I ,want physically not mentally :P)
Obviously you do fake Breeze because your getting everything wrong. Which further proves how ignorant you and jake both are.
Also, Jake, that face looks much different on a game called Minecraft. I'll admit it just looks odd, not like a body part though -.- All that shows is your immature thinking/lack of thinking and imagination.
I hate auto correct sometimes XD
I meant you matured physically, but your brain is still the size of a pea.
And looks like Willy doesn't know the difference between you're and your. Looks like you're the one with a brain like pea, you turd loser.
I hate autocorrect sometimes. Like pee*
Actually, Will got it right. He said 'your brain', and that's correct. If he would've said 'you're brain', that would've ment 'you are brain'
Seriously, Jake, this is coming from a 13 year old foreigner. I would pay attention in class next time you go to school.
Taking the burn from someone who doesn't know our language that well
"ssssssssssssssssssssss" Feel the burn Jakey?
I admit Autocorrect put your for you're, this only means that your brain is the size of a ripened pea :D Good job!
Suzanne, you're an idiot. Go play outside. Or better yet change your ugly profile picture it's stupid and just simply screams that you're a preteen wearing a stupid hat.
"Obviously you do fake Breeze because your getting everything wrong."
your. Anyway, it's not my place to correct your grammar mistakes. No one can help you mature.
Hello numbskull, she lives on ANOTHER CONTINENT IN AN AREA WHERE ENGLISH PUNCTUATION ISN'T KNOWN. So, wise-guy, take your idiotic and ridiculous comebacks to yourself. She doesn't need to mature varr. She has completely different grammar rules!
Blech, that was everywhere XD
"Keep your idiotic..."
"Hello, numbskull,.."
So what of she likes wearing a hat? That picture is probably a wise thing to put up, instead of putting an actual picture up. (No offense, breanna, I mean just for us young ones)
Also, she's not even a preteen. She's a teen :P
Also, if you think that picture is weird and dumb and obnoxious, you have obviously never stepped outside of your house. The world is filled with pictures that are absolutely ridiculous with their poses. So what if she wants to have a neat picture, PLUS, why should we even care what her profile pic is? There is one thing you obviously haven't heard of and that's Charity.
(And before you make some dumb remark like "well it seems you haven't either" know that I am very charitable until it comes to some swine insulting my friends.)
Also, so what if I make typos, I'm on an iPad which doesn't have autocorrect, and its very easy to hit a different key. (I like my so whats XD)
I'm sorry William, you simply do not deserve my respect. You're an annoying human being and half the crap you post makes me cringe. I will continue to troll you because I feel like it. Why don't you go and pray or something? Anyway, it sounds like you're asking for it so I will have to deliver. Watch yourself, you fool.
So you do understand what Varr means interesting.
Well, Anon, you don't earn my respect either, because certain human beings such as you have no clue what to do with your life. I never even asked you to stop trolling, I just said don't insult my friends. I don't care if what I say makes you cringe, because what you say makes me smirk. It interests me to watch how people will act when I act carelessly. You act like a pompous, arrogant, plebeian.
I really do not wish to acquire your respect, because that would lower my already low dignity :P
It interests me to discover what this "deliver" of yours will be.
Please, send me your worst!
I also forgot to mention vulgar, sorry : /
Thanks for defending me, Will. I admit I overlooked the comment where you made a gramatical mistake (your, and not you're), but I was talking about a completely different one. Sorry for that :/
I was planning to change my profile picture, because at a sleepover a month ago, my friend gave me a make-over, and it's the only photo of me where I don't look incredibly ugly. Buuuut she keeps forgetting to send it to me :/
And I don't exactly like wearing hats that much. I was in a hatty mood that day ;)
Breeze, once you see this, could you please delete the troll comments?
Rofl you aren't ugly xD at least no more than I am :P
Anyways, I think that hat is kind of cute. This is a stereotype, and I know it, but Anons always seem to be trolls =3
so that picture IS of Suzanne?
Oh come on Mr."looks like your asking for it so I'll have to deliver. Watch yourself, you fool?" I'm shaking with fear
Or are you still looking up the big words?
Yup, that really IS me :P
A year ago XD
I thought that your picture was some celebrity that I didn't know that you got off Google Images (no joke XD)
...and there's a massive storm outside. If I suddenly vanish, the ghosts didn't take me, it's just that the power went out.
You really thought it was a picture of a celebrity? Should I take that as a compliment or...?
Well, you can. It's up to you. I'm just not trying to be a troll like some people............... (Hint: it's not u, will or the real breeze)
That Anon never delivered >:(
I want an argument T^T
Don't mind me, I've been sorely deprived of my daily dose of Argument T^T xD
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