23 August 2013

Stuffed Animals: By William D

Ok, guys, sorry it's been so darn long, but we've had a lot of stuff to do. Breanna was on a trip, I was taking care of my dad (XD) and Suzanne was busy as well. I hope you can forgive us! Anyways, stuffed animals have kept little children company for a long time. Some, maybe not, but most, yes XD. Well, I don't care if people say I'm to old for them, because I LOVE them so much. I still have a stuffed animal from when I was 2 XD It's a doggy! XD Anyways, stuffed animals have been there for children, during storms, nightmares, long trips, and sleepless nights. I name all my stuffed animals, except for the first one I got XD I still don't have a name for her. (At least I know it's a her XD )
Anyways, guys, I will go back to my logic posts next time! Also I was thinking of starting a crossover of Phoenix Wright and Percy Jackson. Tell me what you guys think :D until next time!!!!!


Makayla Leauge said...

Oh yeah!!! You guys are back:-) Woo-hoo!!! I missed you a ton. Luv to see you do a post about percy Jackson. Go Suzanne William and Breanna!!!!!!:)

Willy D said...

I'll keep that in mind, the percy Jackson, I'm actually considering doing a crossover of Percy Jackson and Phoenix Wright.
On another note... BREEZE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Are you ok? O-O

William D said...

*facepalm* I said that on the post XD a-whoops!

Unknown said...

Yay! The blog is BACK, baby! Spread the news, spread the news!
And Willy, I still need your e-mail for the PJ fanfic.
I'm planning to read all the Percy Jackson books, I haven't read them all yet *gasp*
I'm reading Sea Of Monsters as preporation for the movie. I'm going to see it next week <3

Unknown said...

Hey, that's funny, October the sixth is the day after my birthday!

Teressa said...

This is awesome! I've been waiting for you guys to come back forever. I'm so glad you're back. William I want you to start your logic posts back up. They are interesting and I love reading them.

Unknown said...

Hey Breeze I sent you a question on ask! I wish Will had ask too :(

Willy D said...

Ok, Ill start up the Logic posts again :D

Willy D said...

My parents barely let me get an E-mail account >->

Jake said...


William D said...

I was afraid you were gone forever :D JAKEY ( sorry for luring him back, guys, but I need my daily dosage of arguments XD )
Just keep in mind, breeze, anything he says is a meaningless as a speck of dust )

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for being mean to Breeze since she's sick. ;(

So now I want you sweet Willy.

William D said...

O-O Breeze.... Zuzia.... I'm scared now O-O

Willy D said...

http://nianara.deviantart.com/art/Phoenix-Wright-Pony-345323882 for all you My Little Pony/Phoenix Wright fans out there. Phoenix is a Brony! :o
(Also do tell anon/jake)

William D said...

I know you wouldn't, and no, I'm NOOOOOT interested in him. I was just saying you shouldn't let him get you down if he insults you, cause I know you're not feeling great. Anyways, wanna chat, or do you wanna rest?

Willy D said...


Willy D said...

Well, my mom came home from a retreat (YAAAAY) and I've been pretty bored lately, but I've been following the posts on Littlejackalope's blog
(That's what good friends are for!)

Willy D said...

Oh *facepalm* Are you excited for the Silent Spy?
Also wanna play a would you rather... ?

Willy D said...

I'm so bored >-> DX

Willy D said...

You wanna go first?

William D said...

Ok, you need to give some two weird choices. For example:
Would you rather have giant lobster claws for hands, or a snake for a tongue.
Just think of ridiculous stuff like that XD

Willy D said...

O-o oh dear..... I think jump off a skyscraper XD
Ok.... Would you rather have a tail, ears, and paws like a wolf? Or have a tortoise shell?

William D said...

I would rather go on the island.... XD XD XD XD XD XD
Would you rather be put into an anti gravity chamber and NEVER let out, or never see your friends again. (Keep in mind liquid would float around if you try to drink o-o)

Willy D said...

Go to jail.... If they gave me a computer XDD
Would you rather marry a stranger (a good looking one) or date a total slob? (Keep in mind the stranger could be a jerk, and the slob could be a really sweet guy like me XD just kidding... About the slob part XDD )

William D said...

Well, since I'm CRAZY XD I would marry Harper >-> I'm loco XD plus I wouldn't want to marry a criminal.
Would you rather... live through Ghost of Thornton Hall or Alibi in Ashes?

Willy D said...

Holy guacamole why would you do that to me DX
I think the "ghost" from Shadow at the Water's Edge.
Would you rather be trapped in a room with the angry ghost dogs for five minutes, or with a swarm of wasps from Crystal Skull for 2 minutes?

Willy D said...

Breeze? I have to go, sorry DX

Anonymous said...

Would you rather beta test the next upcoming three ND games or meet Arglefumph and play a computer game with him?

Unknown said...

Arglefumph! Definetely Michael! I wanted to meet him for so long now, I wish I lived in the US :(
Then I'd be closer to you guys too.
And you'd rather marry a stranger who's a jerk? That seems like Jake... Jake, I think she accepted your proposal!
I'm sorry, just kidding, I'm in a mean mood, so sorry >:D

William D said...

Definitely Michael, we could do the Silent Spy XDD

Unknown said...

Yes! That would be so cool! Or prof layton vs PW once it comes out in the USA :D

Unknown said...

Hey Breeze, I sent you another blogpost ;)