Many people think that as soon as they are told something, they are correct! Now obviously that is a very foolish notion!
"Where there is no guidance people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is a victory." Proverbs 11:14
There are two benefits from looking at opposing viewpoints.
For one, but studying other viewpoints, we are better able to change ours if we're wrong! If we don't listen to other viewpoints, how are we to even begin to understand the subject? If we only listen to the things we agree to then we'll be shrouded in ignorance.
For another, by studying other viewpoints, we can help others understand us, and we can better defend our views!
No one can possibly listen to every single viewpoint, but it is best to try and broaden our horizons.
Ok, guys, I want you to try and think of two opposing view points for the following subjects ;)
1: Reasons for American Revolution.
2: Abortion (I do not want to start any religious or moral arguments. Ok?)
3: Homeschooling
4: Gun control
5: Creation of Life and the Universe
6: and finally Logic
Thought about it? Alrighty!
1: The King of England's view and the Colonists view.
2: Pro-abortion and Anti-abortion.
3: homeschooling is bad for children. Homeschooling is good for children. ( :P )
4: Gun control advocates, and Second Amendment right advocates.
5: Creationists and Evolutionists.
6: Those who read The Fallacy Detective (and those who want to) and those who don't read The Fallacy Detective!
Alrighty guys! If you guys have any questions, leave them in the comments and don't forget to just chat:)
(Again, let's not start any arguments about moral stuff ok?)
Cool post, Willy! And (although I'm feeling really stupid now, I'm just going to say it) I've never read the fallacy detective :(
Ok Breeze, see (write to you) soon!
I really think that your as smart Michael! Awesome post!!!!!
Hey Willy, are you there? You just got a compliment :P
Just don't tell Michael! You are way smarter! That's what I meant when I said smarter:)
I'm not telling Michael, in any case ;)
Suzanne and Breanna are extremely smart too. They put most rocket scientist to shame! You go girls!
Me smarter/ as smart as Michael!?!?! What? Lol also I meant to say that once that person hears a viewpoint or makes one he is "correct" I'm glad you like the post guys!
You are all there incredible, smart, hilarious, good natured people:P Awesome!!! I think your all cool!!!
Wow, thanks, Cassandra! That's really sweet of you! Thanks for all the support, guys, you're great! :D
You too, Makayla!
Like Suzanne said thanks a ton guys! We're really glad you enjoy our blog :D
Everyone here (except jake :P) is a good-natured person! One of the best things about the Internet is that people are allowed to chat! We can all just talk about what ever we want!
I have to agree with you on that one, Cassandra! They make the job ''rocket scientist" extinct XD
Thank you everyone for reading and thanks for the support! You guys are great!
Finally people are realizing my coolness! XD XD just kidding XD
Aww, Willy, thank you!
So who wants to talk about puppies? XD
No puppy talk? :( I like puppies XD
Everyone does, I was just zoned out for a minute XD
But please, no puppy talk. I'm in Croatia right now, and I'm not allowed to touch any animals out here. That would just make me depressed :(
I just remembered something! Does anyone else here, when they watch a movie, become sad if the animal dies, but don't care (that much, I mean they do but they aren't super sad) if the human dies? Or am I some cold-hearted carnivorous freak? : /
Your in Croatia?!?!? Cool!!! Just don't visit Macedonia! PLEASE!!!!
But you can't touch animals there?!?! :O :'O :',(
They say the spread diseases. So you went to Macadonia? ;)
Nope I wouldn't dare! Want me to tell you why?
Tell me :P
Ok >:) Prepare yourself XD
There were two girls who were in fifth grade when I was in third. They would always just cry if I looked at them wrong. If I looked at my watch for the time, they would say I was playing with it. Basically I got punished almost every day for nothing >:( Then I had to write a huge poem as a punishment : / Now... they... live in Macedonia :O DUN DUN DUN!!!! So don't go there XD
My parents told me I can choose were we go on a vacation after next year. Good chance we're going there in two years >:)
If you see two blond-headed blue eyed girls named Mariana and Maria, two girls that look like they might be dancers (ballet) tell them you know a William D.... A certain William D who went to school in oak park.... ( that isn't where I live, I just went to school there.)
I was just kidding. I'm not planning to go to Macedonia, I think I'll go for England, don't know why XD
I hate to ask this but..... Are you rich or something?
XD sorry for asking
Nope XD
Everything but. We just save up money all year and then spend it on vacation. I'm not rich, even though I'd want to be ;)
Ok XD It's the same with us, we plan on going to Mackinac Island next year :D
Were is that?
It's... I'm not quite sure XD XD XD I think it's somewhere off the coast of somewhere somewhere in America! XD XD
WHOOPS I looked it up XD Im SOOOO wrong XD XD
It's somewhere. Let's just leave it at that XD
It's in Lake Huron by at the eastern end of Michigan (In the U.S) It's an island resort >:) XD
Willy: resort! Cool!
Breeze: Ok, Wright (horrible pun) to you later!
? Oh no :( Sad? No Internet? *faints* Good luck :(
I have a joke to cheer you up!
I have a joke to cheer you up!
Interesting you can still type after you fainted ;)
Tell the joke!
Why are celebrities always so cool?
Because they have TONS of fans!!!!
(its horrible, I know)
It's my magical sub consciences :O
I'm not English, I don't get it :(
Oh, :'( Um what are you....?
Do you know what fans and celebrities are?
I'm Dutch ;)
I know what fans and celebrities are, I just don't get the "TONS" part. I'm stupid :(
Oh no you aren't Tons is an expression meaning a LOT
Ok let me explain the joke XD Celebrities seem awsome and stuff, and we say they are cool. That can also mean cold! Fans are either the things that blow air or the cheering crowd. Get it now? (sorry if Im acting like your an idiot. Because YOU ARENT :D )
I'm so stupid *sob*
What do tons have to do with fans (as in cold fans)? I don't get it...
XD its ok let me try again Im the dumb one! Ok The Celebrity is the cool one (becuase he has many fans. That can mean he is cold because the fan is blowing cold air on him. He has a lot of fans so that would make him really cool) I probably can't explain it any better, Im to dumb XD
Let's stop arguiing about who's dumb and find another conversation topic. Want to know about my vacation in Montenegro?
Sure! (neither of us are dumb!)
Ok, so do you want to hear about the first appartment I stayed in, the concert I went to with my mom or the boattrip through Montenegro?
Boat trip!
This is gonna be a long one, prepare >:)
Ok, the boat trip...
The previous day, my dad and I planned to go on a city trip through the town named Kotor. However, there weren't any of those trips available, so we went with the boat ride that would go through various towns, including Kotor.
I had to get up the next day at 7:00 clock, because the bus to the boat was going at 8:45. My dad and I got to the bus, and in about 20 minutes, we arrived at Porto Montenegro (you know what that means, I hope ;))
I got on the boat with my dad, which was a kind of cruiseboat, but smaller and without cabins.
My dad and I sat down at a table next to the window, so we had a clear view of the sea. It wasn't very busy yet on the boat, and my dad and I thought there weren't any more people coming abboard. Or som we thought.
Soon, two new loads of people came, and I was forced to sit next to a kid that smelled like Salami and ate the whole trip. I'm not even kidding.
At the first stop, we decided to eat something, because I couldn't smell Herr Salami anymore, I wasn't sick but kind of hungry. So, my dad and I sat down at a table and both ordered an omelet. Sadly, it took a while before the food got there, so we had to go to the boat just after we finished.
After being sick of Herr Salami again (I'll save you the details), we heard an announcement from our captain, that we had a choice our next stop. I'll tell more tomorrow, because this is a really long story, but I promise, it gets (a little) less boring
Ok cool. (I pity you about the Salami DX ) I have to go though :( Bye!
I love Breanna and Breanna loves me. one day pretty little William will see. She thinks he is a geek and a freak. She is so crazy over me that she said she would be my slave and obey me! Life with her will be fun. I tell her what to do and she listens! She is my lady my wife my angel. She hates snot nosed William and his dumb remarks. I will not let her talk to him because he is a whimp. If someone tried to kill her and William was standing right there. He would cry and hide under the bed and then she would be killed because he is a whimp! Letting everybody know.
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