24 July 2013

The Mood Matrix Written by Suzanne Klare

Today, I'm going to talk about the upcoming Phoenix Wright game. If you have no idea who that is or simply just don't like the games, I warn you: this could be incredibly boring and confusing.

So the new game's main character is, once again, our good friend Phoenix Wright. After his name was cleared by Apollo, Phoenix decided to become a defense attorney again. THANK GOODNESS.

In the new game, Phoenix takes on cases with his new assistant, rookie lawyer Athena Cykes. She has a special talent: she can sense if a witness' emotions don't match up with the turn of events. For example: if the witness is the daughter of the murdered victim, and the witness saw the murder of her mother with her own eyes. If the witness was happy during this testimony. That would be really weird, right?

Athena has a device in her necklace (at least I think it's her necklace), that can sense the weird emotions during the testimony. If the previous example would happen in the PW game, Phoenix could point it out and get a new testimony.

I think the device has a lot in common with Apollo's bracelets. They both have to do with the witness' expressions, and they both don't count as real evidence, either. The bracelets are just for getting a new testimony or circumstantial evidence.

Personally I like The Mood Matrix system, because it's a new way to approach witness' testimonies. I just hope it will be as fun to use as I'm expecting it to be.

Well, that's it for today. If you have any opinions on the new Mood Matrix device, or something else regarding the game, just put it in the comments. If you guys just want to chat in the comments no problem:)


Makayla Leauge said...

I think the new Mood Matrix system is going to be awesome!:)

Matix said...

I've never heard of phoenix wright, but the game sounds like a cool game.

Suzanne Klare said...

To Matix: It's not just one game, there are several! They're really good games, and you really should check them out!

Matix said...

Ok, I think I will. I have one question though, I have a hard time finding certain games like this. Where did you buy it at?

Suzanne Klare said...

You can buy them at Amazon.com, or .co.uk
The first game in the series is called Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The second one's called Justice For All. The third one's called Trials And Tribulations.
In case you didn't already get it, the game is about a rookie lawyer named Phoenix Wright. With the help of his friends, he tries to prove his clients innocent. It has a lot of inside jokes, and I guarantee you'll love it. At least, if you're into the detective-kind of games...

Matix said...

Thanx, Suzanne Klare!

Jake said...

Hey I like your post it's really cool. Now Breanna I will ask politely. Will you marry me? If you turn me down again things could get ugly.

Suzanne Klare said...

Jake, I'm not really sure if you really read the post and really liked it, you read the post and not really liked it but said you did to have an oppurtonity to propose to Breanna, or you didn't read it at all and just said you liked it to propose to Breanna again. Yes, I read your conversation yesterday :P
If you really liked it, thanks, but we aren't buying your trick. You put something about the blog in it like we asked, so you can propose to Breanna in the rest of the comment. We would appreciate it if you wouldn't ask Breanna to marry you anymore, and just be a nice guy.
I hope you guys understand me, because I don't know if the way I put it makes any sence.

Jake said...

What Breanna had to say yesterday wasn't true. She is just mad at me because I don't tell her that I love her enough. Don't buy her trick. she is crazy.

Suzanne Klare said...

Jake, I think I know why Breanna wouldn't accept your proposal. One minute you say you love her, the other one she is crazy. A good groom doesn't do that :/

Jake said...

She is Crazy with a capital C and so are you and William.

Suzanne Klare said...

Yes, I am crazy. So? I like being crazy in my own way. I even admit I am.
But aren't we all a little bit crazy? I a crazy in a spunky kind of way. You, Jake, are crazy in a lovestruck-hating kind of way.

Willy D said...

I am SO excited about the new Phoenix Wright game, and I REALLY hope Michael does a play through for it :O The mood matrix sounds quite interesting!
Ugh... please never tell him he's sweet again... It makes me queazy. Also, Jake, everyone (like Zuzia said) is crazy to a certain extent. Better yet... eccentric. (I know you cant handle the big words. That is why humans use dictionaries!) Breeze, we both know there is no hope for him getting a girl. I commend your humility again in not arguing, please forgive me, because I can't resist! I'm crazy in a happy go lucky way. XD I make everyone I know laugh, (except for extraterrestrials) I love to have fun! You on the other hand are the... erm... crazy kind of crazy. I do hope you learn how to communicate with the human race, but until then, Tata!

Jake said...

Did you know that Breanna hates you and Suzanne. She has told me before and I'm not crazy Breanna is the crazy one for not marring me!

Jake said...

Who do you think you are ya little twit. I set and practically beg for your hand in marriage and you tell me that I creep you out. You better watch out Breanna mark my words you will marry me!

Jake said...

So now Mr. Tough guy is going to try to defend my wife. Your pathetic pretty little William!

Jake said...

Your CRAZY Breanna for even talking to him. I think your crazy the way like you have a mental problem.

William D said...

I kinda figured you were being sarcastic, but still the words Jake and sweetie can't go together ever! Lol
Ok now then, Jake, personally I've fought spiders that were harder to put down than you. Your insults are weak, your grammar is poor, (Don't get me started on the spelling x_x) and you lack over-all respect! We would truly appreciate it if you found a new blog to hurl your amateur insults at people. The only ''twit'' here is you, and I think we can all agree you are a foolishly annoying person. No, I'm not mad, I just love thrashing the troll populous to 0% Please enjoy our blog, and make sure you follow all my posts on Logic ;)

William D said...

Hi Jake :D Also not your blog and you obviously didn't read the first post ;)

celeste! said...

oh hey........ ummmmmmmm i dont know what to say but will ( aka willam) this is me funny5801 or something like that! lol long time on see! well i love this blog! good job! well talk to u later! (by meaning later i mean the 1st of the month)

Suzanne Klare said...

Hey Jake, there's a story I like you to read:

I'm sure it would lighten up a LOT.
Oh, everyine else can read also.